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Fig. 5.1 Cue editor proposed architecture
for attributes. R1 in the figure consists of an array of simulated qubits with memory
and processing ability, to be discussed later. These simulated qubits will be made to
randomly remove cues in an attempt to obtain returns from long-term memory.
If returns still do not occur, all cues are restored in R1 and another random selection
is removed. The search process continues this way until interrupted by a new,
higher priority set of cues taken from a new image in conscious STM.
Another Subliminal R1 search is not implemented if New(2) happens to go true,
for example, in which case a new set of cues are processed from STM. New cues
have higher priority over past inconsistent cues.
Should it happen that New(2) also fails to produce a return, the logic will be such
that cues for New(2) are shuffled into R1, whose cues associated with New(1) are
erased and lost forever in this specification. Additional registers, R2 for example,
are theoretically possible, but would unnecessarily complicate the presentation of
this chapter.
Cue Editor Logic
This section is going to provide an outline of the logic for a cue editor, but not so
exhaustive as to be a rigorous specification. The goal is to demonstrate the viability
of the above architecture. Figure 5.2 shows the top level. When a new image first
appears in conscious STM, New(1) goes true. Axons working in parallel are enabled
by New(1) via an array of AND gates labeled U1, that is to say, Unit 1; this applies
available cues to associative long-term memory via U3.
R1 initially is cleared so that Flag
0. This shuts down gate U8, forcing
CueMods(1) to be logic 0, which in turn disables U2, U7, and U9. This means that
R1 cannot interrupt the current search until the results of the search become apparent.
If Hit(1) is returned with a true, nothing more happens in R1. This means a match
was found, and the system simply waits for the next New(2). But if NoHit(1)is
returned with a true, cue editing will begin, because gate U10 activates Load(1).
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