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reform, now that information becomes such a crucial resource and
space in environmental controversies?
Although Chapters 5 to 9 focus especially on information-rich envi-
ronments (OECD countries and the networks and infrastructures that
make up the global network society), in Chapter 10 attention is turned
to the informational peripheries, by focusing on two countries that are
arguably not (yet) part of the informational centre: China and Vietnam.
In assessing to what extent information governance has relevance in
'information-poor' environments, I investigate the actualities, forms
and potentials of environmental informational dynamics in China and
Vietnam, with respect to most of the themes addressed in the former
Finally, Chapter 11 draws conclusions on informational governance.
Is it really emerging massively on the waves of an information age,
replacing conventional modes of environmental governance? How
do we tentatively judge these developments? And what is a research
agenda for further investigating informational governance with respect
to environmental challenges?
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