Agriculture Reference
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Stengel, P., Douglas, J.T., Guérif, J., Goss, M.J., Monnier, G. and Cannell, R.Q.
(1984) Factors influencing the variation of some properties of soils in relation
to their suitability for direct drilling. Soil and Tillage Research 4, 35-53.
Tisdall, J.M. (1991) Fungal hyphae and structural stability of soil. Australian
Journal of Soil Research 29, 729-743.
Tisdall, J.M. and Oades, J.M. (1982) Organic matter and water-stable aggregates in
soils. Journal of Soil Science 33, 141-163.
Williams, R.J.B. (1971) Relationships between the composition of soils and physical
measurements made on them. Report of Rothamsted Experimental Station for
1970 , Part 2, 5-35.
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