Agriculture Reference
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CO 2 -C captured in sample traps and in blanks (glass jars with no soil). The
CO 2 emissions divided by total soil organic C were used to calculate C
turnover. Soil inorganic N (NO 3 -N and NH 4 -N) was extracted with 2 M
KCl and measured by standard colorimetric procedures using a Technicon
Autoanalyzer II (Technicon Corp., Tarrytown, New York). The net N
mineralization was the difference between the final and initial inorganic
N contents for the incubation.
Statistical analyses of data were performed using the mixed procedure
of the Statistical Analysis System at an established a priori level of P
(SAS, 1996). The term 'trend' is used to designate appreciable, but
non-significant, treatment effects which differed at the 0.10 < P < 0.20
Results and Discussion
For both crop species, elevated CO 2 resulted in a significant increase in
the residue mass returned to plots (Torbert et al ., 1997), resulting in a
significant increase in total C and total N (0-5 cm soil depth) after 5 years
(Table 4.11.1). At the 5-10 cm depth, a similar trend for an increase in
total N was observed under elevated CO 2 , but not with total C. The
increased retention of N in the soil system in the elevated CO 2 treatment
resulted in a significant reduction in the C : N ratio for soil under soybeans
at the 0-5 cm depth, and for both the sorghum and the soybean at the
5-10 cm depth (Table 4.11.1). The high C : N ratio at both depths and
the significant difference between treatments indicated that the soil C was
in an unsteady state (Table 4.11.1).
Table 4.11.1. Effect of plant species and atmospheric CO 2 level on soil total C (g kg 1 ), total N
(g kg 1 ) and C : N ratio 1 .
Total C
Total N
C : N ratio
CO 2 level
0-5 cm
3.7 a
4.1 a
0.21 a
0.25 a
17.3 a
16.1 a
4.2 b
5.4 b
0.24 b
0.36 b
17.3 a
14.9 b
5-10 cm
2.3 a
2.4 a
0.13 a
0.13 a
18.7 a
18.2 a
2.4 a
2.2 a
0.14 a
0.14 a
17.9 b
15.7 b
1 Values represent means of three replicates. Means within a column followed by the same letter do
not differ significantly (0.10 level).
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