Travel Reference
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Neighbourhood Walk
Start your tour at the stately Teatralnaya pl (metro Teatralnaya), ringed with eye-pop-
ping architecture. The magnificent 1 Hotel Metropol is an art-nouveau masterpiece.
Across the street, the 2 Bolshoi Theatre is the centrepiece of the square. The Maly
Theatre and the National Youth Theatre frame it on either side.
Head up ul Petrovka and turn left onto Kamergersky per. Lined with restaurants and
cafes with outdoor seating, this pleasant pedestrian strip is Moscow's prime people-
watching spot. Look out for the 3 Moscow Art Theatre , founded by Konstantin Stan-
islavsky in 1898.
From here walk up Tverskaya ul to 4 Tverskaya pl , home to two Moscow heroes: the
centre statue is Yury Dolgoruky, founder of Moscow; across in city hall sits Sergei
Sobyanin, mayor of Moscow. East of here, Stoleshnikov per is another quaint cobble-
stone strip, lined with fancy boutiques and trendy cafes.
From Stoleshnikov per turn left into ul Petrovka and walk north to pl Petrovskie
Vorota, named for the gates that used to guard the city. Here, you can wander around
the ancient 5 Upper St Peter Monastery or the fresh 6 Moscow Museum of Modern
Art .
Cross the Boulevard Ring and walk up ul Karenty Ryad to finish your tour amid the
shady greenery of 7 HHermiitage G
e Garddens. Stop for a drink at 8 3205 , then stroll west
on the Garden Ring to reach Mayakovskaya metro station, or head for a meal and -
quite possibly - much more drinking at 9 Delicatessen .
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