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macrophages, DCs, lymphocytes, and endothelial cells. In particular CCL5
can be expressed by fibroblasts, and epithelial cells within minutes of stim-
ulation and also by T lymphocytes days after activation [52] . In addition
to being chemotactic for a variety of cell types including activated T cells,
monocytes, macrophages, NK cells, immature DCs, and neutrophils (via
CCR1 expression in the mouse) [18] , CCL5 and CCL3 contribute to antigen-
specific activation of both helper and cytotoxic T cells [13] . In mice, CCR5 is
found on both CD4 + and CD8 + T cells and NK cells and is weakly detectable
on monocytes [53] , whereas CCR1 can be expressed on monocytes, mac-
rophages, and neutrophils [51] . CCR5 expression is enhanced during T-cell
activation and differentiation of monocytes to macrophages, which could
explain the colocalization of these cells with effector T cells in the organs
of animals with GVHD. CCR5 is also expressed at high levels on Th1 but
not Th2 lymphocytes [44] . CCR5 appears, however, to be a marker of, but is
not essential for, the development of Th1 responses in humans; individuals
homozygous for the Δ32 mutation (and lack CCR5 expression) are healthy
and have adequate numbers of IFN-γ- and IL-2-producing cells [54] .
A role for CCR5/CCR1 interactions during allograft rejection has been dem-
onstrated by several studies using preclinical models of lung, kidney, and
cardiac transplant [15,18] . Importantly, the functional significance of CCR5
in transplantation immunology was highlighted by examining a cohort of
patients that underwent renal allografting and were genetically deficient
in CCR5; only 1 of 21 CCR5-deficient patients had evidence of transplant
rejection and loss of renal function during follow-up [55] . Several investiga-
tors have also studied the role of CCR5 and its ligands in the development of
GVHD. The expression of CCL5 and CCL3 is increased in target tissue after
allogeneic HCT [46] , and CCL3 significantly contributes to the recruitment
of CCR5 + /,CD8 + T cells into the lung, liver, and spleen in this setting [44,56] .
Using strain combinations in which donor and host differ by either class I or
class II MHC antigens, Serody and colleagues [56] showed that the majority
of CCL3 produced within the first week in the liver, lung, and spleen was
of donor T cell origin; transfer of splenocytes from CCL3-deficient donors
resulted in a decrease in CCL3 expression in these organs, but not in the GI
tract. Absence of CCL3 in donor cells was associated with decreased recruit-
ment of CD8 + cells to the liver and lung and resulted in reduced mortality
from GVHD in the MHC class I disparate system [56] . These experiments
employed relatively low dose radiation and the transfer of donor spleno-
cytes only. In contrast, HCT with CCL3 −/− donor cells following myeloabla-
tive conditioning in a fully mismatched strain combination was associated
with an accelerated influx of cytolytic, granzyme B + cells into the lungs of
recipient mice at day 3 and resulted in increased mortality from GVHD [57] .
The initial work by Serody was extended by studies showing that CCR5 +
CD8 + donor lymphocytes significantly contribute to liver GVHD in an unir-
radiated P → F1 model. In this study, CCR5 expression was increased on
CD8 + cells infiltrating the liver, and the administration of anti-CCR5 anti-
bodies reduced the severity of hepatic GVHD. Furthermore, CCL3 mRNA
levels were significantly increased in the liver during GVHD, and antibod-
ies to CCL3 reduced the influx of CCR5 + /CD8 + donor T cells to this organ
[44] . CCR5 also contributes to the migration of CD8 + cells to the subepithe-
lial dome (SED) of gut Peyer's patches, which was initially believed to be
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