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autophagy-related genes, including beclin-1 gene expression, which was
required for realization of the antiapoptotic phenotype. Most importantly,
upon transfer of human rapamycin-resistant and apoptotic-resistant Th1
cells into immune-deficient murine hosts, such Th1 cells stably engrafted
and mediated lethal xenogeneic GVHD. In sum, these data indicate that
autophagy can be harnessed ex vivo for the manufacture of T cells with
enhanced function via attainment of an antiapoptotic phenotype [88] .
In light of this biology using ex vivo -manufactured RR-Th1 or RR-Th2 cells,
we have developed murine models of allograft engineering that seek to
provide a more favorable post-transplant Th1/Th2 balance. In the case of
transplantation therapy of malignancy, we reasoned that such a balance
would include representation of both Th1 effectors (for GVT mediation) and
Th2 effectors (for modulation of GVHD). Because unmanipulated donor T
cells primarily differentiate along a Th1 pathway in vivo, such a balance
may be induced through the augmentation of a T-cell-replete allograft with
donor Th2 cells. We have also evaluated whether it is possible to further
dissect GVT effects from GVHD by a sequential Th1 followed by Th2 strat-
egy that first incorporates unmanipulated donor T-cell infusion with sub-
sequent administration of Th2-polarized donor T cells. Along these lines,
using ex vivo -generated murine donor RR-Th2 cells, we found that Th2-
cell allograft augmentation or the strategy of delayed Th2-cell infusion can
yield a GVT effect with concomitant or sequential regulation of GVHD [81] .
In further studies, we found that the mechanism of manufactured donor
Th2-cell amelioration of established GVHD: (1) required Th2-cell secretion
of IL-4 and IL-10; (2) involved Th2-cell consumption of IL-2 that was oth-
erwise available for expansion and activation of alloreactive Th1/Tc1 cells;
and (3) involved modulation of host APCs [89] .
We have also found that donor Th2 and Tc2 cells can play an important role
in terms of reduced experimental graft rejection. Although clinical graft
rejection is relatively uncommon, the host-versus-graft reactivity (HVGR)
that forms a biologic basis of rejection represents a major barrier to the
broader and safer clinical application of allogeneic hematopoietic stem cell
transplantation, particularly in settings such as the aging cancer population,
the use of reduced-intensity conditioning regimens, and transplantation
across increased donor/host genetic disparity (see Chapter 5). In practice,
such HVGR is typically mitigated by the inclusion of unmanipulated donor
T cells in the allograft and by utilization of intensive preparative regimens;
however, these strategies to prevent rejection contribute to GVHD initia-
tion and contribute to transplant-related morbidity and mortality. As such,
investigators have attempted to define donor T-cell subsets that abrogate
HVGR with reduced GVHD; such investigations have focused primarily on
donor CD8 + T cells (including donor Tc2 cells [90] ) and CD4 + Treg cells (see
Chapters 5 and 12).
We have recently identified a new pathway whereby donor Th2 cells prevent
marrow graft rejection, which we have characterized as a host anti-donor
Th1-driven response [91] . Several points can be derived from this line of
research. First, in this model of fully major histocompatibility complex-
disparate graft rejection, the capacity of ex vivo -generated donor T cells
to prevent graft rejection was associated with donor T-cell persistence
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