Travel Reference
In-Depth Information
! Museum of Fine Arts
Hungary's largest collection
of international art is housed in a
1906 building designed by Fülöp
Herzog and Albert Schikendanz.
It has works by Raphael, Bruegel,
Goya and Velazquez, as well as the
largest collection of El Grecos out-
side Spain. d Map E2 • XIV, Hősök
tere, Dózsa György út 41 • 469 71 00
• Open 10am-6pm Tue, Wed, Fri-Sun,
10am-9:30pm Thu • Dis. access •
Neo-Baroque façade, Széchenyi Baths
@ Vajdahunyad Castle
£ Széchenyi Baths
In the middle of Városliget is
the incredible Vajdahunyad Castle,
a mixture of Renaissance, Gothic,
Baroque and Romanesque styles,
designed by Ignác Alpár for the
Millennium Celebrations. Alpár's
idea was to illustrate the evolu-
tion of Hungarian architecture in
a single building. Each section
relects an important building
and all in all the castle repre-
sents more than 20 famous
Hungarian buildings. The
Museum of Agriculture in the
Baroque section is the only part
that is open to the public.
d Map F2 • Museum of Agriculture: 363
19 73; open 1 Apr-31 Oct: 10am-5pm
daily; 1 Nov-31 Mar: 10am- 4pm Tue-Fri,
10am-5pm Sat &
Sun; Adm
Opened in 1913, Széchenyi
is a vast complex of indoor and
outpoor pools, which include
Hungary's deepest and hottest
thermal baths. Immensely popu-
lar in winter and summer, this is
where to come if you're looking
for the classic Hungarian bathing
experience. d Map F2 • XIV, Állatkerti
út 11 • 363 32 10 • Open May-Sep: 6am-
10pm daily (some baths close at 7pm) •
Adm Ft2,300 •
$ Andrássy Street
A long, wide boulevard from
Városliget to the city centre,
Andrássy út is Budapest's most
exclusive address. It is lined with
ine restaurants, theatres and
shops, as well as the State Opera
(see pp26-7) and Dreschsler
Palace. At No. 60 lies the former
headquarters of the
ÁVO, the Hungarian
View across the lake of the Gothic (left) and Renaissance (right) sections of Vajdahunyad Castle
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