Travel Reference
In-Depth Information
Gellért Hotel and Baths
The Gellért Hotel is the inest of all the great bath houses
in Budapest. Its main swimming pool is perhaps the best
example of Neo-Classical architecture in Hungary, and is
certainly the ideal place to enjoy Budapest's warm thera-
peutic waters. The hotel itself is a ine Secessionist piece, designed by Ármin
Hegedűs, Artúr Sebestyén and Izidor Sterk, and built between 1912 and 1918.
It was damaged by heavy bombing in World War II and rebuilt in the late 1940s.
Stained-glass window
by Bózó Stanisits
Top 10 Features
1 Façade
2 Main Entrance Hall
3 Main Staircase
4 Terrace
5 Café Eszpresszó
6 Bath Foyers
7 Main Swimming Pool
8 Outdoor Pools
9 Thermal Baths
0 Eastern-Style Towers
Outdoor wave pool
Swimming costumes
and towels can be
hired at the baths, but
are expensive and not
very good, so it's best
to bring your own.
The pricing structure
at the Gellért, and all
baths for that matter,
is Byzantine to say
the least. Standard
entry includes access
to the baths and
swimming pool, but
nothing else. You
will, however, receive
a refund if you stay
less than two hours.
Children of all ages
pay almost full price.
! Façade
The Gellért's Secession-
era façade (below) relects
the self-conidence that
beits a building construct-
ed during the inal phase of
the Habsburg Empire,
when Hungary was on the
verge of independence.
• Map L6
• Gellért Hotel: XI, Szent
Gellért tér 1; 889 55 00;
• Gellért Baths: XI, Kelen-
hegyi út 4; 466 61 66;
open Summer: 6am-7pm
daily; Winter: 6am-7pm
Mon-Fri, 6am- 5pm Sat
& Sun; adm Ft3,100
(baths & pool); Dis. access
• Terrace Restaurant &
Café Eszpresszó: a three-
course meal for one
costs Ft7,500-10,000
£ Main Staircase
The stained-glass
windows (below) on the
staircase landings were
designed by Bózó Stanisits.
They illustrate a legend
about a magic stag, record-
ed in János Arany's poetry.
@ Main Entrance Hall
With its elaborate
mosaics, plush carpets and
over-the-top statues, the
hotel's entrance hall is a
leap into the past. The
staff are patient and helpful
with visitors who just want
to admire the scene.
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