Database Reference
In-Depth Information
properties. he term entity used in Windows Azure has a diferent meaning from the
entity used in an E-R data model. he entity in Windows Azure is similar to the term
entity instance in an E-R model. he concept of table in Windows Azure is also difer-
ent from the table concept in a relational database. Unlike the relational database where
the rows in a table are deined with the same number of columns, the entities in Table
Storage can have diferent numbers of properties with diferent data types. Here, the
entities with diferent properties and data types can be sequentially placed in one table.
he entities in a Windows Azure table are more like the rows in a spreadsheet. here
is no relationship that is deined to link one set of entities to another set of entities.
Windows Azure Table Storage does not support foreign keys, triggers, stored procedures,
and join statements. However, it does support the insert, update, and select statements.
A Windows Azure table can store as many as 100 TB of data. he maximum size of each
entity in a Windows Azure table is 1 MB.
he cloud computing environment can greatly simplify the physical design. To take advantage
of cloud computing, let us create a database server on Window Azure in the following activity.
In this activity, an SQL Database server will be created on Windows Azure to host the
Class_Registration database. hen, you will practice how to remotely access the database
server through the database management tool, SQL Server Management Studio. To create a
database and SQL Database server on Windows Azure, follow the steps given below.
1. In Internet Explorer, enter the following URL to the Windows Azure Management
2. If you do not have a user account yet, create one and log in to your Windows Azure
Management Portal.
3. Once you have logged on to Windows Azure, your irst task is to create a database
server. To do so, click STOR AGE on the left-hand side of your screen and then click
NEW as shown in Figure 2.34.
4. After the STOR AGE page opens, select SQL DATABASE and click CUSTOM
CREATE as shown in Figure 2.35.
5. On the Specify database settings page, enter the database name and select the database
server as shown in Figure 2.36.
6. Click the Next arrow to go to the SQL Database server settings page. Specify your
login name, password, and region as shown in Figure 2.37. You can have your own
login name. However, do not use your email address as the login name. he special
character in the email address such as @ is not allowed in the login name.
7. Click the check mark icon to complete the coniguration of the new server.
8. To view your newly created database server, click the SQL DATABASE link and then
click the SERVERS tab (Figure 2.38). he name of your server is a random name
assigned by Windows Azure. Write down the server name for remote access later.
9. Click the newly created server to open the server's Dashboard shown in Figure 2.39.
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