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the entry point for such as a web page to enter the service, and an Import that is used to import
modules to the current running application. he protocol deined in the endpoint is http. For bet-
ter security, you can specify SSL as the network protocol. he port number is 80. You can specify
a diferent port number. < import moduleName = “Diagnostics” > is used to enable diagnostics with
the storage.
In addition to the Web role deinition, the ServiceDeinition.csdef ile can also be used to
deine LoadBalancerProbes, NetworkTraicRules, VirtualMachineRole, and WorkerRole with
the below code:
< LoadBalancerProbes >
< /LoadBalancerProbes >
< NetworkTrafficRules >
< /NetworkTrafficRules >
< VirtualMachineRole ... >
< /VirtualMachineRole >
< WorkerRole ... >
< /WorkerRole >
he following is the content of the corresponding ServiceConiguration.cscfg ile, which speci-
ies the values for the coniguration deined in the ServiceDeinition.csdef ile:
< ?xml version = "1.0" encoding = "utf-8"? >
< ServiceConfiguration serviceName = "MyWebFromService" xmlns = "http://"
osFamily = "1" osVersion = "*" >
< Role name = "MyWebForm" >
< Instances count = "1"/ >
< ConfigurationSettings >
< Setting
name = "Microsoft.WindowsAzure.Plugins.Diagnostics.ConnectionString" value=
"DefaultEndPointProtocol=https; AccountName=mywebform; Accountkey=..."/>
< /ConfigurationSettings >
< /Role >
< /ServiceConfiguration >
he root element ServiceConiguration has one attribute that speciies the serviceName,
which is required. he name of the service should match the name of the service deined in the
ServiceDeinition.csdef ile. he ServiceConiguration element has one child element Role, which
matches the number of roles deined in the ServiceDeinition.csdef ile. he Role element also
has a required name attribute. he value of the name attribute matches the WebRole name in the
deinition ile. he Role element can have three child elements:
Instances : his element speciies the number of role instances to be created.
ConigurationSettings : his element can be used to set the connection string. It speciies
the number of Setting elements. he name attribute speciies the name of the connection
string and the value attribute speciies the properties of the connection string.
Certiicates : his element speciies the optional certiicates associated with a role.
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