Database Reference
In-Depth Information
Chapter 7
Windows Azure SQL Database
Procedures and Functions
Learn programming extensions
Create and use stored procedures, functions, and triggers
7.1 Introduction
Previously, you learned how to create and manage database objects and query information from
a database. You accomplish those tasks by executing SQL statements one at a time. Sometimes,
for more complicated management and query tasks, you may need to execute multiple SQL state-
ments together or run a group of SQL statements repeatedly. A group of SQL statements that can
be executed together is called an SQL procedure. he current standard ANSI SQL does not sup-
port procedural SQL programs. Many DBMS vendors provide their own versions of procedural
SQL to extend the standard ANSI SQL. Windows Azure SQL Database provides Transact-SQL
(T-SQL) as the extension of the standard ANSI SQL. In this chapter, you will learn about various
programming units such as stored procedures, user-deined functions, and triggers created with
procedural SQL.
7.2 SQL Programming Extensions
To meet the requirements of procedural programming, Transact-SQL allows us to declare vari-
ables, control the execution of code with low-control structures, and handle errors. Some of these
extensions will be discussed in this section. In later sections, these extensions will be used in vari-
ous SQL programs.
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