Database Reference
In-Depth Information
Chapter 4
Database Development and
Management with SQL
Get started with SQL
Create database objects with SQL
Manage database objects with SQL
Control database object privileges with SQL
4.1 Introduction
In this chapter, SQL, a commonly used database development tool, will be introduced. You will
learn some often-used SQL commands and use them to create and manage database objects. You
will use SQL to create database objects such as tables, constraints, users, and roles. You will learn
how to modify the database structure and data content with SQL commands.
4.2 Structured Query Language
As shown in the previous chapter, you can use Windows Azure SQL Database to create database
objects with a graphical tool. Like Microsoft, some other DBMS products also provide graphical
tools for database development and management. It is relatively easy to learn how to use graphical
tools. Especially for beginners, graphical database development tools can help avoid many mis-
takes due to lack of experience.
On the other hand, experienced database developers prefer a more popular database develop-
ment tool called SQL. here are some advantages to using SQL instead of graphical database
development tools. For example, a DBMS product does not share its graphical tools with another
DBMS product. Also, a graphical database development tool requires interactivity with users.
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