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truly safeguard intangible cultural heritage, and ensure that it continues to evolve,
it is necessary to facilitate its functional use. The threats to heritage are, at least
in part, a result of contemporary social and economic activities and therefore
approaches to the safeguarding of intangible cultural heritage must engage with
the broader pressures placed upon it. Thus, Pacific SIDS would do well to integrate
heritage conservation with broader socio-economic and environmental objectives.
Simultaneously, approaches to sustainable development would ideally facilitate the
maintenance of cultural heritage, rather than threaten it.
Pacific island states have a rich cultural heritage which has to date received limited
global recognition. This cultural heritage is now under considerable threat and
concerted effort is essential if it is to be safeguarded. Pacific SIDS have come a long
way in establishing programs specifically aimed at protecting their intangible cul-
tural heritage. Many are now in the process of developing specific cultural laws,
policies and strategies. Lacunae still remain, however, and international law such as
the CSICH offer opportunities to fill these gaps. This chapter has identified the
ways in which CSICH might be utilized by the Pacific region SIDS to boost their
existing programs and catalyse further action. It is clear, though, that effort is
needed at all levels of governance to ensure that this region's rich culture heritage
is globally recognized, viably safeguarded and sustainably utilized by and for present
and future generations.
Aikawa N (2004) An historical overview of the preparation of the UNESCO international convention
for the safeguarding of the intangible cultural heritage. Mus Int 5(1-2):137-149
Buadromo S, Ramos JS (2001) The role of the Fiji (National) museum in collecting oral traditions.
Domodomo 13(1):26-30
Colding J, Folke C (2000) The Taboo system: lessons about informal institutions for nature
management. Georgetown Int Environ Law Rev 12:413-445
Gerbeaux P, Kami T, Clarke P, Gillespie T (2007) Shaping a sustainable future in the Pacific:
IUCN regional program for Oceania 2007-2012. IUCN Regional Office for Oceania, Suva
International Council on Human Rights (2009) Plural legal orders and human rights. Consultation
Paper. Viewed on 2 June 2010 at
International Labour Organization (1989) ILO Convention No 169 concerning indigenous and tribal
peoples in independent countries, opened for signature 27 June 1989, 28 ILM 1382 (entered into
force 5 Sept 1991)
International Society of Ethnobiology (1988) Declaration of Belém
Jalal PI (2006) Pacific culture and human rights: why Pacific Island countries should ratify inter-
national human rights treaties. RRRT/UNDP, Suva
Kartal M (2001) Oral traditions program of the vanuatu cultural centre. In: Mcilwaine J, Whiffin
J (eds) Collecting and safeguarding the oral traditions: an international conference,
International Federation of Library Associations (IFLA), The Hague, pp 144 - 149
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