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To promote activities in and around biosphere reserves, a modern conceptualization
of these special spaces is needed, as is their additional registration. To register any
particular site as a biosphere reserves, people need to revise the biosphere reserves
concept. Biosphere reserves are utilized for a wide range of activities, including
environmental education, eco-tourism, and healing through the beauty of land-
scape; their use is not restricted to the monetary benefits from producing materials.
Any discussion on the selection of new sites will need to involve introducing the
new concept of biosphere reserves adopted in Madrid Action Plan to the people
who will be involved in the selection process.
Harmonious Coexistence Between Nature and Humankind
I recently discussed the Japanese concept of nature in relation to the history of devel-
opment of the Japanese Archipelago with a special focus on lifestyles that establish
harmonious coexistence between nature and humankind (Iwatsuki 2009 ).
The lead organizer of the 2008 symposium, at which drafts of the chapters of
this topic were first presented, was the Research Institute for Humanity and Nature
(RIHN) based in Kyoto; while I am now serving at the Museum of Nature and
Human Activities, in Hyogo. Biosphere reserves are registered and maintained by
the Man and Biosphere Programme (MAB) under UNESCO, and MAB-Japan has
collaborated actively in the organization of the 2008 symposium. In themselves,
these names suggest a contribution to the relationship between nature and human-
kind. The attitude of humans toward nature is one of the most important preoccupa-
tions of these organizations, and a variety of studies have been proposed and
performed. In developing the research activities for such a subject a collective
approach should be taken because of the need to synthesize data from various
disciplines. An interdisciplinary approach has also been suggested and stressed in
various ways. In the end, an integrated approach, based on sufficient data from a
number of scientific fields, should have success in promoting research focused on
the relationship between nature and humankind.
Throughout human history, there have been a variety of relationships between nature
and humankind. It is evident that in recent times the human preference for using natural
resources has been based on the concept of seeking wealth from materials and energy.
One-sided consumption of natural resources by humans brought a variety of environ-
mental difficulties in the twentieth century, and we now need to reconsider our profit-
based use of materials and energy. An emerging consensus in this regard is that we need
to achieve the sustainable use of our one and only Planet Earth. This is unlikely to be
possible, however, if we consider the resources on Earth, or in our cosmos, as having
only utilitarian, commercial or exchange value; existing merely for our use. We, human-
kind, need to embrace the concept of harmonious coexistence with nature.
The concept of harmonious coexistence between nature and humankind has in fact
been applied in Japan throughout its historical development, at least before the time of
the Meiji Restoration some 140 years ago. This is reflected in the scheme of development
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