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Fig. 11.7 A Subaru dedication performance
The Tanadhui Festival involves a good deal of competition between Hazama and
Nahji villages, and this lends an additional stimulation and tension to the
performances. The competition was such that even in the midst of the depopulation
years, the two villages never asked one another for help in mounting the festival,
even though (as mentioned earlier) they did request the assistance of people from
Ishigaki Island. This rivalry must be the reason why the entertainment has been kept
at a very high level. This competition can be witnessed more clearly in preparations
than during the actual festival (Karimata 2003 ).
Transmission of Performing Arts
The Tanadhui Festival starts on the day of Kinoesaru in the zodiac calendar, which
is also the first day of rehearsals for the dedication performance. Gathered in front
of each family shrine at Kuniyoshi, the original house in Hazama village, and at
Seimori, the original house in Nahji village, the performers decide who should
make up the official cast. The second through the fourth day are for the practice
of the performance and preparation of food. On the fifth day, each family sows
seeds in a section of their fields. The islanders begin to set up the stage and to
pitch a large tent at a square of Yomochi Otake (the most sacred place in the island)
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