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pute node and not use MapReduce at all. Thus, is smaller than n 4 /q , and if q is close to its
minimum possible value of 2 n , 10 then the two-pass algorithm beats the one-pass algorithm
by a factor of in communication. Moreover, we can expect the difference in communic-
ation to be the significant cost difference. Both algorithms do the same O ( n 3 ) arithmetic
operations. The two-pass method naturally has more overhead managing tasks than does
the one-job method. On the other hand, the second pass of the two-pass algorithm applies
a Reduce function that is associative and commutative. Thus, it might be possible to save
some communication cost by using a combiner on that pass.
Exercises for Section 2.6
EXERCISE 2.6.1 Describe the graphs that model the following problems.
(a) The multiplication of an n × n matrix by a vector of length n .
(b) The natural join of R ( A, B ) and S ( B, C ), where A , B , and C have domains of sizes a , b ,
and c , respectively.
(c) The grouping and aggregation on the relation R ( A, B ), where A is the grouping attribute
and B is aggregated by the MAX operation. Assume A and B have domains of size a
and b , respectively.
! EXERCISE 2.6.2 Provide the details of the proof that a one-pass matrix-multiplication al-
gorithm requires replication rate at least r ≥ 2 n 2 /q , including:
(a) The proof that, for a fixed reducer size, the maximum number of outputs are covered
by a reducer when that reducer receives an equal number of rows of M and columns of
N .
(b) The algebraic manipulation needed, starting with
!! EXERCISE 2.6.3 Suppose our inputs are bit strings of length b , and the outputs correspond
to pairs of strings at Hamming distance 1. 11
(a) Prove that a reducer of size q can cover at most ( q/ 2) log 2 q outputs.
(b) Use part (a) to show the lower bound on replication rate: r b/ log 2 q .
(c) Show that there are algorithms with replication rate as given by part (b) for the cases q
= 2, q = 2 b , and q = 2 b/ 2 .
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