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Thus, the same algorithm that computes the eigenpairs for M T M gives us the matrix V for
the SVD of M itself. It also gives us the singular values for this SVD; just take the square
roots of the eigenvalues for M T M .
Only U remains to be computed, but it can be found in the same way we found V . Start
MM T = U Σ V T ( U Σ V T ) T = U Σ V T V Σ U T = U Σ 2 U T
Then by a series of manipulations analogous to the above, we learn that
MM T U = U Σ 2
That is, U is the matrix of eigenvectors of MM T .
A small detail needs to be explained concerning U and V . Each of these matrices have r
columns, while M T M is an n × n matrix and MM T is an m × m matrix. Both n and m are at
least as large as r . Thus, M T M and MM T should have an additional n r and m r eigen-
pairs, respectively, and these pairs do not show up in U , V , and Σ. Since the rank of M is r ,
all other eigenvalues will be 0, and these are not useful.
Exercises for Section 11.3
EXERCISE 11.3.1 In Fig. 11.11 is a matrix M . It has rank 2, as you can see by observing that
the first column plus the third column minus twice the second column equals 0 .
Figure 11.11 Matrix M for Exercise 11.3.1
(a) Compute the matrices M T M and MM T .
! (b) Find the eigenvalues for your matrices of part (a).
(c) Find the eigenvectors for the matrices of part (a).
(d) Find the SVD for the original matrix M from parts (b) and (c). Note that there are
only two nonzero eigenvalues, so your matrix Σ should have only two singular val-
ues, while U and V have only two columns.
(e) Set your smaller singular value to 0 and compute the one-dimensional approxima-
tion to the matrix M from Fig. 11.11 .
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