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(3) She may spend a lot of time on the Yahoo! golf page.
(4) She may issue search queries with golf-related terms frequently.
(5) She may bookmark the Web sites of one or more golf courses.
Each of these methods, and many others like these, raise enormous privacy issues. It is
not the purpose of this topic to try to resolve those issues, which in practice probably have
no solution that will satisfy all concerns. On the one hand, people like the free services that
have recently become advertising-supported, and these services depend on advertising be-
ing much more effective than conventional ads. There is a general agreement that, if there
must be ads, it is better to see things you might actually use than to have what pages you
view cluttered with irrelevancies. On the other hand, there is great potential for misuse if
the information leaves the realm of the machines that execute advertising algorithms and
get into the hands of real people.
8.2 On-Line Algorithms
Before addressing the question of matching advertisements to search queries, we shall di-
gress slightly by examining the general class to which such algorithms belong. This class
is referred to as “on-line,” and they generally involve an approach called “greedy.” We also
give, in the next section, a preliminary example of an on-line greedy algorithm for a sim-
pler problem: maximal matching.
On-Line and Off-Line Algorithms
Typical algorithms work as follows. All the data needed by the algorithm is presented ini-
tially. The algorithm can access the data in any order. At the end, the algorithm produces
its answer. Such an algorithm is called off-line .
However, there are times when we cannot see all the data before our algorithm must
make some decisions. Chapter 4 covered stream mining, where we could store only a lim-
ited amount of the stream, and had to answer queries about the entire stream when called
upon to do so. There is an extreme form of stream processing, where we must respond
with an output after each stream element arrives. We thus must decide about each stream
element knowing nothing at all of the future. Algorithms of this class are called on-line al-
gorithms. 1
As the case in point, selecting ads to show with search queries would be relatively simple
if we could do it off-line. We would see a month's worth of search queries, and look at the
bids advertisers made on search terms, as well as their advertising budgets for the month,
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