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If we use the technique of Section 4.6.6 to estimate each c i with fractional error at most ϵ ,
then the estimate of the true sum has error at most ϵ . The worst case occurs when all the c i
are overestimated or all are underestimated by the same fraction.
Exercises for Section 4.6
EXERCISE 4.6.1 Suppose the window is as shown in Fig. 4.2 . Estimate the number of 1s the
the last k positions, for k = (a) 5 (b) 15. In each case, how far off the correct value is your
! EXERCISE 4.6.2 There are several ways that the bit-stream 1001011011101 could be
partitioned into buckets. Find all of them.
EXERCISE 4.6.3 Describe what happens to the buckets if three more 1s enter the window
represented by Fig. 4.3 . You may assume none of the 1s shown leave the window.
4.7 Decaying Windows
We have assumed that a sliding window held a certain tail of the stream, either the most
recent N elements for fixed N , or all the elements that arrived after some time in the past.
Sometimes we do not want to make a sharp distinction between recent elements and those
in the distant past, but want to weight the recent elements more heavily. In this section, we
consider “exponentially decaying windows,” and an application where they are quite use-
ful: finding the most common “recent” elements.
The Problem of Most-Common Elements
Suppose we have a stream whose elements are the movie tickets purchased all over the
world, with the name of the movie as part of the element. We want to keep a summary
of the stream that is the most popular movies “currently.” While the notion of “currently”
is imprecise, intuitively, we want to discount the popularity of a movie like Star
Wars-Episode 4 , which sold many tickets, but most of these were sold decades ago. On
the other hand, a movie that sold n tickets in each of the last 10 weeks is probably more
popular than a movie that sold 2 n tickets last week but nothing in previous weeks.
One solution would be to imagine a bit stream for each movie. The i th bit has value 1 if
the i th ticket is for that movie, and 0 otherwise. Pick a window size N , which is the num-
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