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More LSH Families for Euclidean Spaces
There is something unsatisfying about the family of hash functions developed in Section
3.7.4 . First, the technique was only described for two-dimensional Euclidean spaces. What
happens if our data is points in a space with many dimensions? Second, for Jaccard and co-
sine distances, we were able to develop locality-sensitive families for any pair of distances
d 1 and d 2 as long as d 1 < d 2 . In Section 3.7.4 we appear to need the stronger condition d 1 <
4 d 2 .
However, we claim that there is a locality-sensitive family of hash functions for any d 1 <
d 2 and for any number of dimensions. The family's hash functions still derive from random
lines through the space and a bucket size a that partitions the line. We still hash points by
projecting them onto the line. Given that d 1 < d 2 , we may not know what the probability
p 1 is that two points at distance d 1 hash to the same bucket, but we can be certain that it is
greater than p 2 , the probability that two points at distance d 2 hash to the same bucket. The
reason is that this probability surely grows as the distance shrinks. Thus, even if we cannot
calculate p 1 and p 2 easily, we know that there is a ( d 1 , d 2 , p 1 , p 2 )-sensitive family of hash
functions for any d 1 < d 2 and any given number of dimensions.
Using the amplification techniques of Section 3.6.3 , we can then adjust the two probab-
ilities to surround any particular value we like, and to be as far apart as we like. Of course,
the further apart we want the probabilities to be, the larger the number of basic hash func-
tions in F we must use.
Exercises for Section 3.7
EXERCISE 3.7.1 Suppose we construct the basic family of six locality-sensitive functions
for vectors of length six. For each pair of the vectors 000000, 110011, 010101, and 011100,
which of the six functions makes them candidates?
EXERCISE 3.7.2 Let us compute sketches using the following four “random” vectors:
v 1 = [+1 , +1 , +1 , −1]
v 2 = [+1 , +1 , −1 , +1]
v 3 = [+1 , −1 , +1 , +1]
v 4 = [−1 , +1 , +1 , +1]
Compute the sketches of the following vectors.
(a) [2 , 3 , 4 , 5].
(b) [−2 , 3 , −4 , 5].
(c) [2 , −3 , 4 , −5].
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