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less significant after the insertion of some variables. Finally, the algorithm ends at
step 3, when it is not possible to further improve the model by adding or remov-
ing variables. The minimum values of significance for introducing and for dropping
variables in the model are called P in and P out , respectively. They correspond to sig-
nificance levels of the partial F -test. They do not need to be equal, but they must
be set very carefully because if P in
P out , then a loop may occur where a variable
enters the model, then leaves it, then reenters, and so on.
The stepwise regression algorithm is based on the following steps:
1. Start from a user defined k -variable multiple regression model (possibly,
2. Compute the partial F -test for each variable not yet included in the regres-
sion model.
3. Check if there is at least one variable whose p-value is less than the user
defined threshold value P in (this is the same of checking for those variable
whose partial F -statistic is greater than the threshold value F [ P in ;1 , n ( k + 1 )] ).
If there are some variables which fulfill the requirement, add to the model
the most significant one (i.e. the one with smaller p-value). If there is no
variable which can be added, the regression algorithm stops.
4. Compute the partial F -test for all variables currently in the regression
5. Check if there is at least one variable whose p-value is greater than the user
defined threshold value P out . If there are some variables which fulfill the
requirement, remove from the model the less significant one (i.e. the one
with greater p-value).
6. Restart from step 2.
Trees and Graphs
Trees and graphs are everywhere in discrete mathematics and in computer science.
Moreover, a huge number of discrete models in biology are based on trees and/or
graphs. Here we present some basic concepts about them (see [224, 217, 220] for
more advanced concepts).
A (rooted) tree T is specified by a structure T
,where N is a set of
n odes, (or vertices ), including a node r , called the root of T ,and f is a function,
assigning a father node to any node of N different from r , such that, for any node
x different from r , f n
r for some natural number n ( f n
denotes the n -fold
of f to x , f 0
x ,and f 1
application f
). The termi-
nology about trees is inspired by the many different contexts where they occur, es-
pecially genealogy and botanic. For example: root, node, leaf, parent, father, child,
son, brother, ancestor, descendant, branch, generation, path, and depth .
( ...
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