Information Technology Reference
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A binary relation R is said to be reflexive in a set A if aRa holds for all a
A . R
is symmetric on A if for every pair of elements a
A , aRb implies that also bRa
holds. R is transitive if for every triple of elements a
A ,if aRb and bRc hold,
then also aRc holds. A binary relation on a set A which is reflexive, symmetric, and
transitive is called an equivalence relation on A .If
is an equivalence on A ,then
for any element a
A the equivalence class of a is the set
] defined by:
] = {
the quotient set A
of A with respect to
is the set of equivalence classes of A :
/≡ = { [
] |
A binary relation R on a set A is an order relation if it is reflexive, transitive and
antisymmetric , that is for every a
A , aRb and bRa cannot both hold. An order
relation is linear or total on A if, for any every a
A either aRb or bRa holds
(otherwise the ordering is said to be partial). Many important concepts based on
order relations can be defined in general (minimum, maximum, minimal, maximal,
upper bound, lower bound, least upper bound, and greatest lower bound).
The number of sequences over an alphabet of symbols grows exponentially with
their length. For example the number of possible different sequences of length ten,
over an alphabet of twenty symbols is 20 10 , that is more than ten trillions. In fact
in any of the ten positions we can put one of twenty possible symbols. This simple
observation explains why polymers are the natural way for producing an enormous
chemical variety.
An operation of k arguments over a set X is a rule that, when applied to a k -
sequence of arguments over the set X , may yield one element of X as a result. If it
does not provide any result, then it is undefined on that sequence of arguments.
If we order the elements of a set X ,say X
, then any subset of
X can be expressed by a sequence of 0s and 1s where, at position i of the sequence,
the value 1 occurs in the sequence if the element x i belongs to the subset, otherwise
the value 0 occurs. From this representation it follows that the number of possible
subsets of X is 2 n . Table 5.2 provides a few examples of relations and operations.
= {
x 1
x 2
x n
Functions and Variables
A (total) function from a set A to a set B is an operation, that is, a rule that applies to
all elements in A and for each of them produces exactly one result in B . The under-
lying idea of the function is that of imaging , as a representation device associating
images to given objects. The term “function” goes back to theater representations,
and its etymology is common to Latin words like fungere and fingere , which roughly
refer to the action of playing a role . The standard notation for a function is:
f : A
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