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Ta b l e 3 . 1 4 MP models obtained by LGSS
Belousov-Zhabotinsky, Prigogine's Brusselator (BZ)
Brusselatus ([84, 68], Table 3.9)
Lotka-Volterra, Predator-Prey dynamics (LV)
Volteranus ([89, 116, 78], Table 3.8)
Susceptible-Infected-Recovered Epidemics (SIR)
Epidemicus ([88, 68])
Early Amphybian Mitotic Cycle (AMC)
Mitoticus ([81, 82, 101], Table 3.16)
Drosophila Circadian Rythms (DCR)
Drosophilus ([68])
Non Photochemical Quenching in Photosynthesis (NPQ)
Photochemicus ([110, 107])
Minimal Diabetes Mellitus (MDM)
Mellitus ([105])
Bi-catalytic Synthetic Oscillator
Sirius ([92], Table 3.5)
Circular Synthetic Oscillator
Goniometricus ([100], Table 3.11)
The fundamental mechanism of mitotic oscillations concerns the periodic change
in the activation state of a protein produced by cdc2 gene in fission yeast or by
homologous genes in other eukaryotes. The simplest form of this mechanism is
found in early amphibian embryos (see [83]). Here cyclin (C) is synthesized at a
constant rate and triggers the transformation of inactive ( M + ) into active ( M ) cdc2
protein, which leads to the formation of a complex known as M-phase promoting
factor ( MPF ). MPF triggers mitosis, but at the same time M elicits the activation
of a protease from state X + to X . The active protease degrades cyclin resulting in
the inactivation of cdc 2. This brings the cell back to initial conditions and a new
division cycle can take place. The ODE presented on the right of Fig. 3.8 is the
differential model of dynamics described on the left of Fig. 3.7, where C
X are
the concentrations of C
X , respectively, and 1
X are the concentrations
of M + ,
X + respectively (the definitions of the parameters of the ODE model of
Fig. 3.8 are not simple and are not relevant for our further discussion, however they
can be found in [81]). The regulation maps calculated by LGSS are obtained starting
from a dictionary of 20 possible regressors , that is monomials of C , M ,and X with
degree less than or equal to 3 (i.e. constants, C , M , X , C 2 , M 2 , X 2 , CM , CX , MX ,
C 3 , M 3 , X 3 , C 2 M , CM 2 , C 2 X , CX 2 , M 2 X , MX 2 ,and CMX ) 4 .
The 700 MP models that LGSS found for Goldbeter's mitotic oscillator are dis-
tributed into 40 different grammatical schemata. In Table 3.15 other descriptional
indexes of models are given for the first 14 grammatical schemata which define
621 models from a total of 700 (89%). These indexes are useful for discriminating
interesting aspects of the MP grammars and they comprehend:
1. the number of regressors ;
2. the total number of monomials ;
3. the temporal grain of dynamics observation, which is expressed by the values of
time interval
Substances M + and X + are not considered because they depend on M and X respectively.
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