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Algorithm 8.3.3: RangeQuery( v,N,θ,s l ,s u )
if N is the leaf node
for each s
if Edit Distance Verification ( v, s, θ )
do Include s in query result
if LB ( v, [ s l ,s 1 ]) ≤ θ
do RangeQuery ( v,N 1 ,θ,s l ,s 1 )
for j =2 to m
do if LB ( v, [ s j− 1 ,s j ])
do RangeQuery ( v,N j ,θ,s j− 1 ,s j )
if LB ( v, [ s m ,s u ]) ≤ θ
do RangeQuery ( v,N m +1 ,s m ,s u )
string v if the lower bounding property holds. The eciency of the algo-
rithm depends on the tightness of the lower bound. We discuss concrete
string orders that satisfy Property 8.2 in the next section.
If a string order φ supports range queries, it also directly supports
top- k selection queries on the B-tree structure. We simply use a min-
heap to keep the current top- k similar strings and update the threshold
θ with the distance value of the top element in the heap. The detailed
algorithm is shown in Algorithm 8.3.4.
The standard all-match join algorithm on B-trees for traditional
one-dimensional data discovers all node pairs
on the same
level of the tree, with non-empty value overlap on their ranges.
Expansions are conducted by adding join candidates after testing every
pair of children drawn from N 1 and N 2 , respectively. For string join
queries with threshold θ the standard algorithm is applicable if the
following property holds:
N 1 ,N 2
Property 8.3(Pairwise Lower Bounding). Given two string inter-
vals [ s l ,s u ] and [ r l ,r u ], the string order φ is pairwise lower bounding if
it returns the lower bound on the distance between any s
[ s l ,s u ] and
[ r l ,r u ].
any r
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