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Algorithm 8.3.1: Edit Distance on Trie( v,θ )
Let v = σ 1
σ |v|
A i is a hash table of pairs ( N,e ) with key N
A 0
, 0)
for i =1 to θ
do for each node N at distance i from root: A 0
( N,i )
for i =1 to |v|
for all ( N,e )
A i− 1
if e +1
// Case 1
if ( N,e )
( N, min( e +1 ,e ))
A i : A i
( N,e +1)
for all children N of N
else A i
if σ ( N )= σ i
// Case 2
if ( N ,e )
( N , min( e, e ))
A i : A i
( N ,e )
for j =1 to θ
else A i
for all descendants N of N ,j characters
do A i
( N
e + j )
else if e +1
// Case 3
do if ( N ,e ) ∈ A i : A i ( N , min( e +1 ,e ))
else A i
( N ,e +1)
return A |v|
A drawback of the trie based algorithm is that it will not scale
for large edit distance thresholds since it will degenerate fast into a
complete traversal of the higher levels of the trie structure. A plethora
of advanced trie based algorithms for reducing the number of paths
traversed have been proposed in the past. The algorithms assume
complete knowledge of the query a priori. The same algorithms can
be straightforwardly modified to work on sux trees. Finally, it is
not hard to see that these techniques can be adapted for computing
weighted edit distance (given a substitution matrix and a cost function
for each edit operation).
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