Travel Reference
In-Depth Information
Sri Lanka Today
Tourists continue to pour into Sri Lanka in ever greater numbers. But even as
the physical and economic consequences of the long war recede, the country
is embroiled by the international attention focused on its president, Mahinda
Best in Print
On Sal Mal L
n Sal Mal LaneRu F
u Frreeman w
n weaves t
s togetther th
r the m
e many s
y sttrrands o
ds of Sr
f Sri L
i Lannkan s
n socii-
etty in a b
y in a beauutiiful n
ul novel s
el set do
t down a C
n a Colo
olommbo la
o lane..
Ruunniing in th
g in the F
e Family
ilyA c
A comic a
ic and r
d refle
flecttiive m
e memoir b
ir by Mich
y Michael O
el Onddaattjje o
e of h
f hiis
olommbo f
o family in th
ily in the 1
e 1940s
MMonnkffish Mo
ish MoonNin
Nine sh
e shorrt s
t sttorriies, b
, by B
y Boooker P
r Prriize-nomiinatted R
d Romesh G
sh Guuness-
eekerra, p
, prrovide a div
ide a diverrse glim
e glimpse o
e of Sr
f Sri L
i Lannka''s e
s etthnic c
ic conflic
WaveA s
A searriing m
g memoir b
ir by So
y Sonali D
ali Derraniiyagala o
ala opens o
s on th
n the m
e morrniing o
g of 2
f 26
Decemmber 2
r 2004
004, r
, righ
ight b
t befforre th
e the t
e tsuunami k
i kills h
ills her h
r husb
usband, ch
d, childr
ildren a
n and p
d parrentts..
Human Rights Groups
SSri L
i Lannka C
a Campaiign f
n for P
r Peace a
e and J
d Juusttiice(( www..srrila
ilannkacampaiign..orrg ) A glob
) A globaal
isan m
n movement c
t callin
alling f
g for h
r huumaniitarriian r
n relie
elieff, a
, an e
n end t
d to h
o huuman r
n righ
ightts ab-
s ab-
uuses a
s and a r
d a repeal o
al of th
f the g
e goverrnmentt''s a
s antti-t
i-terrrror r
r regula
Human R
n Righ
ightts W
s Wattcch(( www..hrrw..orrg ) R
) Researrcches a
s and p
d publish
ublishes r
s regula
ular r
r reporrtts
aabout h
ut huuman r
n righ
ightts c
s condit
ditiions in Sr
s in Sri L
i Lannka..
Investigations Resisted
Sri Lanka is likely to be dogged by allegations about its behaviour during the long civil war
for years to come - at least as long as the current government rejects calls for an investiga-
tion by the United Nations Human Rights Council (UNHRC). It is generally agreed that hu-
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