Java Reference
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the menu bar (or press Ctrl+F8). The line of code with the breakpoint will be highlighted
in red, and a red square will appear in the window's left margin, indicating that execution
will pause at that line during debugging. You can begin execution by choosing Run
Debug Main Project (or pressing F5, or clicking the second of the three arrows in the tool-
bar). When you do this, execution will begin normally, but when you click the Settings
button in the emulator, execution will stop at the breakpoint, letting you single-step
through the showSettingPanel , examine variables and the call stack using the inspector
windows in the lower right, and so forth (see Figure 3-17). I encourage you to experiment
with these options on your own.
Figure 3-17. Execution paused at a breakpoint for debugging
Packaging and Executing CDC Applications
How you package and execute your Java ME applications on CDC-enabled devices will
vary from device to device, but Java Web Start and the Java Network Launching Protocol
( JNLP) let you work the same way you do with desktop applications. Like packaging for
the CLDC/MIDP, using one of these means for packaging your application involves creat-
ing both a JAR file for your application and an accompanying descriptor file, as well as an
additional policy file that indicates the permissions required by the application. Unlike
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