Java Reference
In-Depth Information
The API represents location data as instances of the Location class, which bear fields
representing the coordinates, street address, timestamp, course, speed, and means of
location for the instance. To standardize access to this data, the API also includes classes
such as AddressInfo and QualifiedCoordinates , which represent a street address and loca-
tion with an associated error circle, respectively.
The API also permits different applications (potentially including the embedded
applications on the device) to share location data with each other through one or more
landmark stores. You access the landmark stores through the LandmarkStore class, which
provides static methods for creating and removing stores from the persistent file system
as well as accessing a specific store. Once you create an instance of LandmarkStore ,you
can use it to enumerate the contents of a store, obtaining individual Landmark objects that
represent a specific Location instance and user-supplied data such as the name, descrip-
tion, and category for the instance.
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