Java Reference
In-Depth Information
The WeatherWidget uses a separate thread to obtain your position, although the code
for that thread is within the WeatherWidget class itself rather than a separate class. The
determineLocation method creates and starts this thread in response to you choosing
“Use this location” from the list of locations or the location-entry screen. As this thread
finishes execution, it schedules a Runnable task on the main thread to add the new loca-
tion to the list of locations, and it sets the MIDlet to show the locationTextBox so you can
see the results of the location request.
Locating the User
The MIDlet uses a one-shot positioning request to determine your location; the location
thread does this work when you invoke determineLocation by spawning a new thread that
executes the run method in Listing 17-2. This code is an extension of the pseudocode you
saw in Listing 17-1; it has only a few important differences.
The application sets specific criteria for the location request, indicating that it's OK
for the location request to incur cost, that an AddressInfo should accompany the request,
and that it's OK to set a relatively high margin of error (100 meters). The run method
validates the resulting Location instance, using the resulting AddressInfo structure if it's
available to provide the WeatherLocation structure with a real city, state, and country, just
as if you'd entered this information directly. In most cases, however—and certainly in the
Sun Java Wireless Toolkit—all that you receive is a QualifiedCoordinates instance, and the
code just uses that instead, building up a String that consists of the tag GPS Coordinates
followed by the latitude and longitude. This is admittedly a hack, but a reasonable one: it
uses the existing implementation of the other classes in the MIDlet and permits me to
focus on showing you the Location API, rather than how to refactor the other classes to
work with either coordinate data or its human-usable counterpart.
Once run builds up the String containing the location data, it uses a separate Runnable
to update the UI on the main thread. This isn't strictly necessary, because the locatingAlert
obstructs the locationTextBox 's input anyway, so there's no possibility for conflict between
the two threads. However, it demonstrates to you how to schedule an action on the main UI
thread. The private inner class LocationUpdater actually performs the work necessary to
update the UI, which could have been an anonymous class, since it only occurs here. Its
constructor takes the new location, while its run method adds the new location to the loca-
tion list, sets the current location to the new location, and changes the display from the
locationAlert to the locationTextBox , which shows the determined location.
Simulating Location API Data in the Sun Java Wireless Toolkit
The Sun Java Wireless Toolkit supports the Location API in simulation; you can specify
either a fixed location or a script of locations that the emulator will use over its lifetime.
Figure 17-1 shows the configuration screen (select MIDlet External Events from the
emulator's main menu, and choose the Location tab).
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