Java Reference
In-Depth Information
Note that you can associate a category with multiple entries in the store, but each
entry can be associated with only a single category.
The LandmarkStore provides the following methods for adding, deleting, and updating
a Landmark in the store:
addLandmark : Adds a new landmark to the store
deleteLandmark : Deletes a landmark in the store
updateLandmark : Updates an existing landmark in the store
removeLandmarkFromCategory : Removes a category assigned to a specific Landmark
Adding a Landmark requires you to pass both the instance of the Landmark to add and a
category name (or null to indicate no category).
You can search the existing Landmark instances in a store using one of the three
getLandmarks methods it defines, all of which return an Enumeration of Landmark s. Passing
no arguments to getLandmarks enumerates all Landmark s in the store. Passing getLandmarks
a category name (or null ) and a bounding rectangle of latitudes and longitudes gives you
an enumerated list of the Landmark instances within that rectangle, while passing just a
category (or null ) and a name returns the Landmark instances in the category you specify
that possess the name you provide.
A Landmark itself is merely a container that holds a user's name, description, address
information, and coordinates; the class exposes these through accessors and mutators:
getName and setName : Gets and sets the Landmark name
getDescription and setDescription : Gets and sets the Landmark description
getAddressInfo and setAddressInfo : Gets and sets the Landmark address, which is an
instance of AddressInfo
getQualifiedCoordinates and setQualifiedCoordinates : Gets and sets the Landmark 's
location as an instance of QualifiedCoordinates
Understanding the Role That Security Plays in LBS
Many users are understandably very sensitive about the interrelationship between loca-
tion and network services; privacy is often a key concern. Like most optional APIs, the
Location API requires privilege on platforms such as MIDP 2.0 that support it. As such,
your application may require carrier signing in order to operate on mobile devices once
you distribute it. Table 17-3 lists the permission names and protected methods in the
Location API. The API provides permissions not just for determining location, but also for
accessing the store of landmarks.
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