Java Reference
In-Depth Information
Understanding the Location API
The javax.microedition.location package defines nine classes, two interfaces, and two
exceptions. Other than the exceptions, which inherit from Exception , the class hierarchy
is almost completely flat, representing the simplicity of the API and the domain it
abstracts. The package provides the following classes:
LocationProvider : Represents a hardware or software module within the device that
can determine the device's location. It provides a static factory method that returns
specific LocationProvider instances configured to respond to specific location
Criteria : Represents specific criteria that apply to a location request, such as the
desired accuracy and cost to the user.
Location : Represents a collection of basic information about a location, including a
timestamp, coordinates, accuracy, speed, course, and information about the
method used to determine the location, as well as an optional textual address.
Coordinates : Represents the latitude, longitude, and altitude of a location, and pro-
vides methods to interconvert between floating-point and human-readable textual
representations of coordinates.
QualifiedCoordinates : Represents the latitude, longitude, and altitude triple
associated with a measurement of the coordinates' accuracy. It is a subclass of
Coordinates .
AddressInfo : Represents textual information about a location such as the street
address. The AddressInfo class encapsulates a collection of fields accessed through
manifest constants.
Orientation : Represents the physical orientation in space of the terminal, including
azimuth (the horizontal pointing direction), pitch (the vertical elevation angle),
and roll (the orientation around the device's own longitudinal axis).
LandmarkStore : Represents a store of individual user landmarks. There is always a
default landmark store, and implementations may provide additional named land-
mark stores for application use.
Landmark : Represents a known location with a user-provided name, consisting of
the name, a QualifiedCoordinates object, and an AddressInfo object.
The API defines two interfaces: LocationListener and ProximityListener . The
LocationListener gives your application a means to regularly receive position reports
from the API implementation through its locationUpdated method, and it permits the
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