Java Reference
In-Depth Information
The MMAPI provides the following classes and interfaces, among others:
Manager : The Manager class provides an access point for obtaining system-dependent
resources such as implementations of the Player interface. Manager methods are
static, so there's no need to obtain an instance of the class.
Player : The Player interface provides the methods for interacting with a piece of
multimedia. Subclasses implementing Player encapsulate specific rendering
codecs such as an MP3 audio player.
Control : The Control interface defines some media processing functions. Control
implementations interact with objects implementing the Controllable interface,
such as Player instances to permit programmatic and user control of media. Exam-
ples include the VolumeControl , which permits you to adjust the playback volume,
and the VideoControl , which permits you to control the visibility and placement of
the video on the display.
DataSource : Implementations of the DataSource abstract class provide media to
instances of Player . They provide a container indicating a media object's content
type and location as well as streams of source data through instances of SourceStream
that provide random access to a single media stream.
ContentDescriptor : Instances of the ContentDescriptor class bear a string indicating
the type of a specific DataSource .
TimeBase : The TimeBase interface represents a constantly ticking source of time.
Your application can share one TimeBase instance between multiple players to
synchronize multiple streams of media.
PlayerListener : The PlayerListener interface describes the asynchronous events a
Player instance can provide to applications. You can implement this interface to
listen for notifications about media rendering.
MediaException : MMAPI implementations use instances of the MediaException class
to signal errors.
Note The Control interface has many subinterfaces, and I don't discuss all of them here. For a
thorough explanation of what each does, consult JSR 135 or the Javadoc that accompanies the MMAPI
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