Java Reference
In-Depth Information
Figure 15-3. Supporting classes for communication with contactless targets
Unfortunately, implementing Connection is where uniformity between the various
subclasses ends. The API takes a message-oriented approach to communicating with
contactless targets, but the methods differ between the types of targets:
• NDEF-enabled devices use the javax.microedition.contactless.ndef.
NDEFTagConnection class to exchange NDEFMessage instances via the connection's
readNDEF and writeNDEF methods.
• ISO 14443-enabled devices use the
ISO14443Connection class and its exchangeData method to exchange raw arrays
of bytes.
• Generic RFID devices use the javax.microedition.rf.PlainTagConnection class.
Instances of this class exchange vectors of Java objects using the tranceive method.
These Java objects are defined by extensions to the API that encapsulate application-
specific data.
• Visual tags can be encoded and decoded using the javax.microedition.
contactless.visual.VisualTagConnection class, which actually doesn't connect to
anything. (I say more about this class in the next section.)
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