Java Reference
In-Depth Information
Figure 15-1. The APDU classes in relationship to the Java ME GCF hierarchy
Two interfaces— javax.microedition.apdu.APDUConnection and javax.microedition.
jcrmi.JavaCardRMIConnection —provide the means by which your application can commu-
nicate with a smart card. As its name suggests, you use the APDUConnection to perform
low-level APDU interaction with the card, while you use the JavaCardRMIConnection to
perform Java RMI to Java smart cards—a topic I touch on in the next section, titled
“Communicating with Java Smart Cards Using JCRMI.”
Just as when using the GCF to obtain access to FCOP or network interfaces, you
begin with a Uniform Resource Identifier (URI) that describes the entity to which your
application will connect. For smart cards, the URI has this format:
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