Java Reference
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As new text SMS messages arrive on the application's port, c.receive returns new
instances of TextMessage . The thread's run method extracts the payload text from the
incoming message and uses the Display instance's callSerially method to schedule an
update to the display on the main thread. It then loops to wait for another incoming
text message.
callSerially is handy any time you need to schedule an operation on the applica-
tion's main thread from a separate thread. It schedules the run method of an instance of
the class you provide to run after the main thread has handled any pending UI events.
The thread uses callSerially to schedule the run method of an instance of the inner
class SetMessage , which simply sets the output text field's contents to the text of the
incoming message.
To send a message, SMSMIDlet invokes the sendMsg method of the SMSSender class.
This singleton class uses a separate thread to send each MO message to prevent blocking
the main thread. Listing 14-7 shows the SMSSender class.
Listing 14-7. The SMSSender Class
package com.apress.rischpater.smsmidlet;
import javax.wireless.messaging.*;
public class SMSSender implements Runnable {
private static SMSSender me = new SMSSender();
private String receiver = null;
private String port = null;
private String msgString = null;
private boolean sending = false;
private SMSSender() {
public static SMSSender getInstance() {
return me;
public boolean isSending() {
return sending;
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