Java Reference
In-Depth Information
only has a limited number of headers that are defined by the protocol specification.
Table 14-2 shows the most common headers and their purpose. Note that a specific
message might not bear all of these headers or might bear additional headers not shown
in Table 14-2.
Table 14-2. Common MultipartMessage Headers and Their Meaning
Header Name
The date and time at which the message must be delivered to the
The date and time at which the message should expire and not be
delivered by the MMSC
The class of message—either Personal , Advertisement ,
Informational , or Auto
The priority of the message—either High , Normal , or Low
The assigned transaction ID for the message
Note The MMS protocol underlying the MultipartMessage is specified by the Open Mobile
Alliance (OMA) and its WAP-209-MMSEncapsulation standard. If you're going to work deeply with the
MultipartMessage class and the MMS protocol, it's a good idea to closely read this and other MMS
documentation at the OMA web site ( ). JSR 205 cites this
standard; Appendix D of JSR 206 discusses how the MMS message structure that the OMA defines maps
to the interfaces that the WMA provides.
Understanding Required Privileges When Using the WMA
Just as when using the GCF for HTTP or socket requests, using the GCF to obtain a
MessageConnection instance requires privilege. The WMA defines the following privileges
for each kind of message it supports: : Required to obtain a MessageConnection that
can send or receive text or binary SMS messages : Required to obtain a MessageConnection that
can receive SMS-CB messages : Required to obtain a MessageConnection that
can send or receive MMS messages
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