Java Reference
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thread that invokes it until the device receives a new message, so you should definitely do
this on a thread different from the UI thread.
Sending Messages
Once you create a message, you need to set the data payload for the message. How you
do this differs slightly between the various Message subclasses. The Message class provides
methods only for managing the recipient address of the message and the time at which
the message was sent:
getAddress : Returns the address associated with the message
getTimestamp : Returns the time at which the message was sent as an instance of
setAddress : Associates a new address with the message, discarding any previous
address associated with the message
As I remarked previously in the section “Introducing Short Message Service,” the
implementation of SMS message packets can concatenate packets (called segments ),
enabling you to send messages longer than the 160-character (140-byte) limitation of the
protocol. WMA requires that any implementation must support concatenating up to
three segments as a single message, letting you send reasonably long messages of 400
bytes or so (the actual length is generally a little shorter because of the space taken by the
protocol to support segment concatenation, an optional port number, and so forth). You can
determine how many segments a message consumes by invoking the MessageConnection 's
numberOfSegments method and passing a TextMessage or BinaryMessage ; the result is the
number of segments the message spans.
The implementation of MMS is different, letting you create a message as a collection
of parts, represented by instances of MessagePart . Instead of setting a MultipartMessage
payload all at once, you add individual parts.
Setting and Getting the Payload of a TextMessage
As you might imagine, managing the payload of a TextMessage instance is quite simple.
The class provides two methods: getPayloadText and setPayloadText . Each refers to the
message payload as an instance of String ; you call getPayloadText to obtain a String
containing the instance's payload, while you pass a string to setPayloadText to set the
instance's payload. You can set the payload of a text message using code similar to that in
Listing 14-1.
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