Java Reference
In-Depth Information
Port Number
Dynamic Menu Control Protocol (DMCP)
Message Access Protocol services
Simple e-mail notification services
WAP connectionless session service
WAP session service
WAP secure, connectionless session service
WAP secure session service
WAP vCal Secure for secure transport of calendar data
SyncML over-the-air (OTA) configuration
WAP OTA configuration
Creating Messages
Once you obtain an MO MessageConnection from the GCF's Connector class by passing a
URL including a recipient address, you can use it to create new instances of concrete
Message subclasses (such as TextMessage ) using its newMessage method, like this:
TextMessage tm = (TextMessage)c.newMessage(MessageConnection.TEXT_MESSAGE);
As you might expect, you can use the newMessage method to create an instance of any
of the following subclasses of Message :
TextMessage : Pass MessageConnection.TEXT_MESSAGE to obtain a TextMessage instance
(for a text SMS message).
BinaryMessage : Pass MessageConnection.BINARY_MESSAGE to obtain a BinaryMessage
instance (for a binary SMS message).
MultipartMessage : Pass MessageConnection.MULTIPART_MESSAGE to obtain a
MultipartMessage instance (for an MMS message).
You can also use a MessageConnection instance to send messages to different recipi-
ents; simply invoke newMessage passing both the constant indicating the kind of message
you want and a string containing the recipient address.
If your application needs to receive messages, you can obtain an instance of
MessageConnection configured for MT messages by passing a URL without a recipient
address and then invoking the MessageConnection 's receive method. As you will see in the
upcoming section “Receiving Messages,” the receive method blocks execution of the
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