Java Reference
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catch(Exception e) { return; };
xmlBytes = xml.getBytes();
bis = new ByteArrayInputStream(xmlBytes);
try {
catch(Exception e){}
finally {
try {
catch(Exception e) {}
The fromXml method creates an initial LocationParserHandler , linking it to the
current Location instance. Under the hood, the platform can provide different imple-
mentations of SAX parsers, so it's important to use the SAXParserFactory to get an
instance of the parser; you do this by creating an instance of the factory and then
invoking that instance's newSAXParser method. The parser takes its data in the form of
an InputStream ; converting the incoming XML to a byte array and using that with the
ByteArrayInputStream class provides the input stream necessary for the parser's parse
method. That's all there is to it!
All of this code assumes a RESTful web service that provides an XML document with
weather data given a location; Listing 13-10 shows a version of WeatherFetcher that does
just this, building on what you learned from the previous chapter.
Listing 13-10. A RESTful Implementation of WeatherFetcher
package com.apress.rischpater.weatherwidget;
public class WeatherFetcher implements Runnable {
private static String url = "";
private Location location;
private boolean cancelled;
private WeatherWidget app;
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