Java Reference
In-Depth Information
The HttpConnection class also contains some of the utility functions for examining
URLs. These utility functions let you determine the scheme, host name, port, and file a
URL contained when the GCF created the HttpConnection instance. These HttpConnection
methods include getProtocol , getHost , getPort , and getFile . You can also determine the
URL to which a specific HttpConnection refers by invoking its getURL method.
Probably the most common reason for needing to use an HttpConnection instead of a
ContentConnection is when you need to submit data for processing, like user input to a
web service. This may involve using the HTTP POST method instead of GET . You use an
HttpConnection and get its OutputStream in order to write the data to the server, as shown
in Listing 12-9.
Listing 12-9. Sending Data to the Server
void run() throws IOException {
String url = "";
HttpConnection hc = null;
DataInputStream is = null;
OutputStream os = null;
int rc;
try {
hc = (HttpConnection);
os = hc.openOutputStream();
rc = hc.getResponseCode();
if (rc != HttpConnection.HTTP_OK) {
throw new IOException("HTTP response code: " + rc);
is = hc.openInputStream();
int length = (int)hc.getLength();
byte[] data = null;
if (length != -1) {
data = new byte[length];
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