Java Reference
In-Depth Information
The Datagram class is an abstract class that encapsulates the following concepts
common to all datagram protocols:
• Datagrams have a buffer in which the datagram stores the data in a single
datagram packet.
• Datagrams have an offset , which is the current position for reading or writing data
in the buffer.
• A datagram's buffer has a length , indicating the size of the datagram buffer.
• Datagrams have a representation of the source or destination address of the
Datagrams implement the DataInput and DataOutput interfaces, as you saw in
Figure 12-1, letting you read and write various primitive data types, including boolean ,
byte , character , double , float , integer , long integer , and UTF String s. The interface to
DataInput and DataOutput is reminiscent of that provided by DataInputStream and
DataOutputStream ; the classes provide methods read
and write
for the various sup-
ported types
, including the following:
readBoolean , which lets you read an input byte and returns true if the byte is
nonzero, and writeBoolean , which lets you write a boolean as a single byte
readByte and writeByte , which let you read and write single bytes, respectively
readChar and writeChar , which let you read and write single characters, respectively
readFloat and writeFloat , which let you read and write floating-point numbers,
readShort and writeShort , which let you read and write short integers, respectively
readInt and writeInt , which let you read and write integers, respectively
readLong and writeLong , which let you read and write long integers, respectively
readUnsignedByte and writeUnsignedByte , which let you read and write a single
unsigned byte, respectively
readUTF and writeUTF , which let you read and write UTF-8 encoded strings,
readFully and write , which let you read and write arrays of bytes, respectively
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