Java Reference
In-Depth Information
These commands use javac to generate the class files for and LocationImpl.
java ; the final line uses rmic to generate the skeleton LocationImpl_Stub.class .
Note While the appearance of the command line differs if you're using Mac OS X or Linux, the command
syntax remains the same.
Writing the Remote Service Host Application
The remote service needs to do two things. First, it must create an instance of implemen-
tation of the objects it serves. Second, it must register those objects with the RMI naming
service, specifying where clients can gain access to the remote object. Listing 11-4 shows
how to do this.
Listing 11-4. A Simple RMI Server Application
import java.rmi.Naming;
public class LocationServer {
public LocationServer() {
try {
Location c = new LocationImpl();
Naming.rebind("rmi://localhost:1099/LocationService", c);
} catch (Exception e) {
System.out.println("Exception: " + e);
public static void main(String args[]) {
new LocationServer();
This is pretty simple stuff, and it demonstrates the power of building a remote appli-
cation using RMI. The server creates a new instance of LocationImpl and registers it with
the naming daemon—that's it!
To run the service on a stand-alone workstation for testing, you must first launch the
RMI registry, which is the Java application with which the LocationServer registers its
object for clients to find. You can launch rmiregistry in one shell and LocationServer
(using java to start the Java VM) in the other.
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