Java Reference
In-Depth Information
• The java.awt.image package to support streamed creation and modification of
images; the AGUI requires support for GIF89a, JPEG, JFIF, and PNG version 1.0
• The java.nio package for specifying byte order
• The javax.imageio package, along with javax.imageio.event , javax.imageio.
metadata , and to support image I/O
• The javax.microedition.plaf package, which differs from the Java SE implementa-
tion in that the implementation APIs are not classes but rather interfaces to permit
OEMs and service providers to deeply customize the look and feel of the AGUI
• The javax.microedition.agui.event class to support the dedicated hardware keys
typically found on consumer electronics devices
• The javax.swing package and its subpackages javax.swing.border , javax.swing.
event , javax.swing.plaf , javax.swing.table , javax.swing.text , javax.swing.tree ,
and javax.swing.undo to provide lightweight components that work the same
across multiple platforms
Using the AGUI is similar to using the AWT, in that you organize your user interface
around containers that contain components, and you register event listeners to handle
user-interface events. Two key differences arise, however, especially when using some
of the more sophisticated components provided by Swing. First, Swing's architects
designed Swing's components around the MVC design pattern. Understanding MVC
can make interacting with the more complex Swing components easier. Second, Swing
supports a pluggable look and feel (although the AGUI support does not provide the
same functionality).
Note If you need to learn the basics of programming with Java Swing, as with AWT, I suggest you pick up
a copy of Beginning Java SE 6 Platform: From Novice to Professional (Apress, 2007) by Jeff Friesen or visit
Sun's documentation on the topic available at
guides/swing/ .
Using the AGUI is similar enough to Swing that with your existing Swing experi-
ence, you should feel right at home. However, there are some differences, including
the following:
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