Java Reference
In-Depth Information
• The IxcRegistry cannot obtain an instance for the XletContext . This should never
happen, but if it does, the resulting registry will be null .
• Another Xlet has already bound a remote object to the name XletLocationProducer.
Location . That might happen if the Xlet is running in more than one context, or if
another Xlet uses the same name for something it wants to remote.
• The IxcRegistry fails to create a stub for the remoted class.
Of these failures, the most likely is a StubException , which can happen if you don't
implement your remote class correctly. To implement your remote class correctly, you
must ensure that
• The class implement java.rmi.Remote
• Each remote object method declare java.rmi.RemoteException in its throws clause
• The type of each remote object method only accept and return primitive Java types
(including, of course, void ) or those classes that extend
These restrictions make sense when you think about them, because the IXC mecha-
nism must have a way to know that a remote object is remotable, can handle exceptions
encountered during the remote execution, and can pass objects from one Java class
loader to another during remote execution.
On the Xlet's exit, the Xlet unregisters the object from the IxcRegistry using
unbindAll . This, too, can fail, but there's little the Xlet can do about these failures at exit
time, so the Xlet just logs the failures for debugging purposes. It's not strictly necessary
that the Xlet do this—the runtime will take care of it if it doesn't—but it's good practice.
Tip When your Xlet exits, use unbindAll at this point rather than invoke unbind for each named object,
so that if you add additional objects to the registry, you won't need to add matching unbind requests.
Using a Shared Object
At any point, an Xlet can query the IxcRegistry for a remoted object by name using the
well-known name another Xlet used to register the object. Listing 9-9 shows a hypotheti-
cal consumer Xlet that uses the Location object shared by the XletLocationProducer .
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