Java Reference
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Looking at the Xlet Life Cycle
Figure 9-1 shows the states in which an Xlet may exist.
Figure 9-1. The life cycle of an Xlet
As you can see in Figure 9-1, the Xlet can be in one of three states:
Paused : Once loaded, the Xlet application manager invokes the Xlet's initXlet
method, which should initialize the Xlet. The Xlet is now in the paused state.
Active : When the Xlet application manager is ready to give the Xlet control of the
device's interface, it starts the Xlet using its startXlet method. The Xlet is now in
the active state. At any time, the Xlet application manager can again pause the Xlet
by invoking the Xlet's pauseXlet method, bringing the Xlet back to the paused state,
from which it can again resume execution by invoking startXlet again.
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