Java Reference
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case 9:
x += width/2;
y -= height/2;
// Clip coordinates
if ( x < 0 ) x = 0;
if ( y < 0 ) y = 0;
if(x>board.getWidth() - width )
x = board.getWidth() - width;
if ( y > board.getHeight() - height )
y = board.getHeight() - height;
Broadly speaking, the SpriteCanvas class methods can be broken up into three groups:
Game setup : This is the responsibility of the constructor and the helper methods
createButterflies , createCat , and createBoard .
Game play : This is the responsibility of the game loop; it includes polling for
keystrokes and moving nonplayer characters.
Handling pause and resume events : In the event of a state change (say, due to an
incoming call), the SpriteCanvas must pause game play. The MIDlet triggers this by
invoking the setPaused method.
The constructor begins by invoking the GameCanvas constructor, indicating that this
GameCanvas subclass will poll for keystrokes rather than receive keystroke events. Next, it
caches aside the display its creator gives it, and it creates a new instance of Random used by
the nonplayer characters. Finally, it creates and initializes the LayerManager (the skulldug-
gery with the view window ensures that the game board will be centered in the display)
and the various layers shown by the game. Note that the method creates the various lay-
ers in Z-order, with the butterflies closest to the user; this is because each creation
routine adds the resulting Layer to the LayerManager .
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