Java Reference
In-Depth Information
• Determine (and set) whether or not the Layer is visible using the isVisible and
setVisible methods.
• Set its position (either by offset or absolute positioning relative to the Graphics
object responsible for painting the object) using the move and setPosition methods.
The Layer itself is interesting, but it's not as interesting as the TiledLayer and Sprite
subclasses, which provide concrete implementations of Layer .
You use the TiledLayer to present large images consisting of small regular repeating
bitmaps, or tiles. The TiledLayer is good for providing game backgrounds as well as inter-
mediate layers. A TiledLayer instance divides a large region into cells , each of which is
assigned a tile , a subimage from within the TiledLayer 's Image instance.
While you use the TiledLayer for large static objects, you use the Sprite for smaller
animated objects. Like a TiledLayer ,a Sprite takes an image that gets divided up into
smaller images, called frames . Unlike a TiledLayer ,a Sprite displays a single frame at
its location, letting you choose which frame should be displayed. Sprite instances can
transform the frame they're displaying through rotation or mirror flipping, giving you
the ability to specify various appearances of an animated item using only a handful
of frames.
The various layers are tied together using the LayerManager class, which maintains
an ordered list of the Layer s it must draw. This ordered list provides Z-ordering for the
frames; the first item in the list (at index 0 ) is closest to the user. Using the methods of
the LayerManager , you can add and remove layers from this list, as well as repaint the
individual Layer s.
Managing Layers
The LayerManager 's primary responsibility is to help you keep the Layer s in your game
organized. To do this, the LayerManager encapsulates a list of Layer s and provides a view
window that defines the size of the visible region of the Layer s and the visible region's
position relative to the LayerManager 's coordinate system. By panning the view window,
you can pan the display across a collection of layers, creating a viewable window that
scrolls in any direction over the game world. You do this using the setViewWindow method,
passing the bounds (e.g., left, top, width, height) of the view window. For example, to
scroll right, simply move the view window to the right (increment the x coordinate when
invoking setViewWindow ). Often, you want to coordinate this behavior with the movement
of the user character's Sprite , so that the game world visible corresponds to the immedi-
ate surroundings of the user.
The majority of the LayerManager methods correspond to actions you can take on the
LayerManager 's list of Layer s, as follows:
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