Java Reference
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increasing alphabetic order. In my anonymous inner RecordComparator class, it's a little
goofy that String.compareTo 's results—negative if the receiver precedes the argument,
positive if the receiver succeeds the argument, and zero if they're lexically equivalent—
need to be converted to RecordComparator values, but that's the way it works. Once you
obtain the enumerator, you can simply walk the enumerator and insert each record's
location in the appropriate field of the result array. Because this method simulates hav-
ing the entire list of locations in memory, you can wrap the entire sequence of events in
an exception handler.
The getLocation method, on the other hand, returns a Location instance when
provided with the name of a location. It, too, uses a RecordEnumeration and looks up the
Location using the RecordEnumeration 's matches method. It then uses the resulting enu-
meration to create a Location instance.
Tip The inner classes for both locationStrings and getLocation use the same record-parsing
code contained within the Location class. This is sufficient in this example, where you may have 10
or 20 locations, and likely no more, but it may not be efficient enough to process truly large collections
of records, especially on slower handsets. If you're developing an application that must manage a lot
of records, consider breaking out field deserialization in such a way as to permit your use of
RecordEnumeration to only deserialize what it needs to get the job done. Doing so will make your
application perform better.
The addLocation and updateLocation methods are similar, because they must both
deal with existing records (you don't want to clutter the record store with duplicate loca-
tions of the same place). These methods rely on a Location object's toBytes method. The
addLocation method begins by determining if a record for the existing Location already
exists, and if it does, it uses the updateLocation method instead to update that record's
contents. Otherwise, it simply gets the bytes corresponding to a serialized version of the
indicated location instance and adds the record to the database, closing the record store
when it finishes.
The updateLocation method is a little more complex. It must handle three different
• The Location already exists in the database and has an ID (the location was created
using the LocationStore 's getLocation method).
• The Location already exists in the store but doesn't have an ID (the location was
created programmatically but is a duplicate of one in the store).
• The Location does not exist in the store and must be added.
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