Java Reference
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A record itself is just a bag of bytes. The good news is that you're free to implement
any structure you see fit on a record; the bad news is that it's up to you to define a struc-
ture that supports your application and scales well. The MIDP implementation lacks the
serialization support found in , meaning you need to implement
your own serialization. (The interface defined by doesn't really fit
the notion of records in the record store, either, because there are no lower-level filter
streams to help with serialization, and the object of record serialization is to serialize to
a bag of bytes rather than an output stream.)
This means that you need to be familiar with Java streams, particularly the , , ,
and classes. The process isn't as daunting as it first appears.
To preserve a record, you first create a DataOutputStream and a ByteArrayOutputStream ,
as shown in Listing 6-1.
Listing 6-1. Creating a DataOutputStream and a ByteArrayOutputStream
ByteArrayOutputStream baos = new ByteArrayOutputStream();
DataOutputStream dos = new DataOutputStream(baos);
Next, you write the record's fields to the DataOutputStream using one or more of the
following methods:
write : Takes an array of bytes, an offset, and a number of bytes to write, and writes
those bytes to the stream
writeBoolean : Writes a boolean to the stream
writeByte : Writes a single byte to the stream
writeChar : Writes a character to the stream as a two-byte value with the high byte first
writeChars : Writes a String as a sequence of characters
writeDouble : Converts the double to a long using doubleToLongBits and writes the
long to the stream as an eight-byte value
writeFloat : Converts the float to an int using floatToIntBits and writes the int to
the stream as a four-byte value
writeInt : Writes an integer with the high byte first
writeLong : Writes a long integer with the high byte first
writeShort : Writes a short integer with the high byte first
writeUTF : Writes a String using Java-modified UTF-8 encoding (in a machine-
specific way)
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